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Cue sheets 101

Our route instructions are listed in a 4 column format. Each instruction will include an instruction number, a mileage, a 'tulip' diagram and information. The mileage will count up from the start or any place where you are instructed to reset your mileage, such as a checkpoint.

The tulip diagram is a graphical representation of the feature for the instruction. Normally this is an intersection of two or more roads, or a feature of a road. The tulip has two features. The dot and the arrow. No matter how the tulip is shown, you will travel through the intersection from the dot to the arrow. Normally the tulips are drawn so you are traveling from the bottom of the tulip, but this doesn't have to be the case. Note: all mileages are rounded to the nearest tenth of a mile. Example:

Instruction 1 is at mile 27.2. The diagram indicates caution is required at that location and the info describes why.

Instruction 2 is at mile 27.3 and it indicates that you are to take a right at a 4 way intersection and end up on Water street.

Instruction 3 shows a more complicated intersection where 3 roads meet. Here you would take the 90 degree right onto 355th street.

Instruction 4 indicates you should continue straight past an intersection with 200th street. When a name is in square brackets, it indicates the crossing street or road.

Instruction 5 shows one of the "King of the Mountain" locations. We will score the first several riders to this location for that competition. For the following riders, this location doesn't mean much, other than the top of a hill.

Instruction 6 shows that the primary road curves left, but you will take the secondary road to the right. In this case, the secondary road is 380th street.

Instruction 7 shows a turn onto a Minimum Maintenance road. The dashed line indicates the road is a less prominent road than a regular road.

Instruction 8 shows a checkpoint. At each checkpoint, make sure the person working that location has your number before you leave. You may also need to get a new set of cue notes at that location.

In summary, the text is normally there to provide or clarify the instruction, but the primary thing you should focus on is the tulip. Always travel from dot to arrow, no matter how the tulip is oriented on the page.

Taken from